First stop: Bruges and Brussels, Belgium!
Next: Berlin, Germany!
Moving onto more historic sites we were overwhelmed by the amount of history presented to us on our free four-hour walking tour of the city by Colin (Frizzle) where we hit every important site in Berlin's history starting at the Brandenburg Gate and wrapping up on Museum Island (need I explain?) for the story of the fall of the Berlin Wall. We enjoyed traditional food - currywurst, kebabs, and California-style burritos (ok, so not so traditional but it definitely filled a void on our trip).
Where to even begin?!
Top Five Reasons Why We Loved Scotland:
1. Our hostel was across the street from the castle!
2. They love plaid and men wear kilts. Oddly enough they have the most amazing style... and some great shopping!
3. Amazing food...baked potatoes, scones and tea for breakfast, haggis, ok well maybe not haggis... (it is always a strong selling point, maybe it is an American thing, as the woman at The Baked Potato Shop so kindly pointed out to us)
4. Edinburgh is filled with the most bizarre and interesting history we have heard on this trip. The city has a long literary tradition and is a mecca for intellectuals (perfect for husband shopping.. did I mention the kilts?)
5. The story of Greyfriar's Bobby - the inspiration for our future dog. Ask if you are interested.
Edinburgh will stay with us forever!
Final Destination: London, England
The perfect end to our trip we were able to sleep in and relax with our good friend Andy and his roommate Ben, only managing to fall into a few "tourist traps" (the British Museum and Wimbledon). We accomplished our goal of visiting our favorite nightlife spot in Europe: The Roadhouse with Tara's Little Sis Sophie. Our new sense of adventure inspired Andy and Ben to make some change of their own-they are now donning euro mullets. But the highlight of the trip was the night we were introduced to Spring Awakening. Our lives have been changed. All we can say is get out and go see it right now!
Now we are back home in Cannes; back to "reality," but smiling and laughing at how ridiculous our spring break was. We are convinced we had the best spring break of those here. Hands down.
Peace and Love,
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