Tuesday, January 27, 2009

Twas the Night Before Departure

Our Fellow Americans--Welcome to our Blog!

We are so excited about everything that is ahead of us, and even more excited to take you along via Two Girls, One Cannes. To kick start Volume I in a unique, fun way we decided to do a good old Q&A. Below you will find Part Uno of the questionnaire each of us completed individually. It will give our fellow blog-followers some incite into our thoughts and feelings as we prepare to embark on one of the greatest adventures of our lives. Enjoy!


What do you still have left to do to prepare for your trip?

Marissa: I still need to pack. I'm sure I will be making several trips to Target before I leave.
Tara: I definitely need to pack. I know that I will put it off until the last minute. Anything I have purchased for the trip is still in its bag in my garage.

What is one item you absolutely cannot travel without?
Marissa: My passport! lol but really I cannot travel without my camera.
Tara: My laptop. I need a way to communicate with everyone from home and keep the blog updated.

What has been most surprising to you as you prepare for your trip?
Marissa: I never knew it was so difficult to get a French Visa!! haha and I am actually rather surprised at how nervous I am getting as we get closer to our departure day.
Tara: I've been surprised by how many people have been to Europe and offered up some great advice. Despite Cannes being one of the lesser known French cities many people have been there and have gotten us really excited about going.

What entertainment are you bringing with you on your long flight to Europe?
Marissa: The 30 movies we put on the external harddrive and the ten travel books I got for Christmas!... Lots of reading!
Tara: I have to have something good to read so of course I am bringing a Harry Potter book. I wanted to re-read Half-Blood Prince before the film came out, so the flight overseas will be a good chance to do that. I bought Watchmen because I've been looking forward to reading it for a long time. Also, I've got my iPod fully loaded with podcasts and other playlists I refuse to listen to until I'm on the plane.

What is the last meal you plan on having in America before you leave?
Marissa: Probably shredded beef tacos... I am going to miss Mexican food so much!
Tara: In-N-Out! I've already told my parents that we are stopping to have a burger on our way to LAX.

Have you ever been to France before? If so, when and where?
Marissa: Yes. It has always been a dream of mine to go to France. I believe I was in 1st grade and I was learning about Claude Monet and made it a goal to one day visit his home and gardens in Giverney. My dream came true the summer after I graduated from high school when my family took a two week trip to France spending time in Normandy, Rouen, Giverney, Deauville and Paris.
Tara: I visited France in '04. We went to Paris and visited all of the major tourist attractions but nothing outside of that.

What are you most looking forward to throughout your stay in Cannes?
Marissa: I look forward to experiencing European culture as a "citizen" and not just a tourist. I am looking forward to just jumping on a train and being able to visit any European country. Also super excited to live on the Mediterranean... might be tough.
Tara: I am definitely looking forward to experiencing a different cultural climate. I feel like everyone has a specific perception of France, including myself, and Cannes seems to be in a completely different realm. I just want to take everything in and appreciate the beauty the south of France has to offer. Also, I look forward to all of the yachts Marissa and I will be invited on by handsome millionaires.

Choose three words that you feel best describe Cannes.
Marissa: Luxurious, beautiful, beach town
Tara: Beautiful, Affluent, Festival

Describe one thing you have never done that you hope to do in Europe?
Marissa: yacht party? haha
Tara: Get arrested! Jooooke.

What reservations do you have about traveling in Europe?
Marissa: I am concerned about the language barrier but am excited to pick up words from all languages.

Tara: Having something stolen. I can't even count the number of people who warn me about keeping my belongings safe. Even though they mean well, they have me a bit paranoid that all Europeans are pick-pockets straight out of a Charles Dickens novel.

What food are you most excited to try?
Marissa: Any and all food really.... I'm super excited about French cuisine.
Tara: I'm not necessarily excited to try it, but I've heard amazing things about froix gras. It might be slightly unethical but maybe I'll go to a farm where they treat the geese humanely before they force-feed and cook them.

Which food will you absolutely never try?
Marissa: There's really not a whole lot I wouldn't eat... maybe any animal organs that should have never become a delicacy.
Tara: Haggis. We may or may not wind up in Scotland, but I am making it known now that I WILL NOT try haggis.

What will you miss the most about home?
Marissa: Definitely miss my family.... and my dog! oh and my queen sized bed.
Tara: Familiar faces. I know that I will do my best to keep in contact with everyone but just speaking with them face to face is what I will miss the most. I will miss my dogs too! I miss them when I'm at school so I know it will be hard being so far from them.

What would you like to say your friends and relatives before you leave?
Marissa: I will miss you all so much. Even though I am thousands of miles away I still have skype/facebook/email so keep me posted on your lives! And don't forget to read about our travels on our blog.
Tara: I love you tons! Keep in touch. Don't miss me too much (as if you would!) because I cannot wait to return and share many awesome stories with you all. Leave comments on the blog because just knowing that your reading will inspire me to write more often.

What are you most looking forward to about traveling with Tara/Marissa?
Marissa: This is going to be an incredible once in a lifetime experience and I am so excited to share it with such an amazing friend! We have lived together for six months now at Rose and that brought us even closer and now traveleing together will do the same. I cannot wait to look back in 30 years at the journey we are about to embark on.
Tara: I couldn't think of anyone better to share this adventure with than Marissa Suzanne Moffitt. We have already done so many exciting things together; I know this trip will elevate our friendship to a whole new level. She'll be someone to laugh with on the long flights, the one who finds my passport when I leave it, ohhhh just about everywhere, and a friendly face to remind me of home. Besides, One Girl, One Cannes just doesn't have the same ring to it!



  1. What a better way to start off a good blog than with a good, old-fashioned survey? I'm so excited for both of you! (And pretty jealous too, I must admit. Especially since may days have been filled with watching the Ten Commandments four times...) You'd better keep us updated so we can all live vicariously through you!

  2. You are off and running on your incredible adventure...can't wait for your first post!! Miss you already!! xoxox

  3. YAY for blogging!

    I'm so excited for you and your adventures! Can't wait to live vicariously through you!
